Community Support
Housing Support, Peer-Led Support Groups & More
We offer a wide variety of helpful peer-led support groups for mental health that focus on spirituality, mindfulness, peer support, yoga, tai chi, music appreciation, and more. We also offer numerous housing support resources, including programs like the Berkeley Drop-In Center, Reaching Across, Reach Out, and the Tenant Support Program (TSP).
Berkeley Drop-In Center
Community Support Services
The Berkeley Drop-in Center is a peer-led, wellness-based community center that has been addressing the wellness needs of the unhoused, people affected by mental health challenges, and the substance-dependent since 1988. Our goal is to provide support services and resources that facilitate our community’s wellness and social growth. Employees of the Berkeley Drop-in Center have lived experience with overcoming socioeconomic challenges and possess a desire to create lasting positive changes for themselves and the community.
*Due to safety concerns, BDIC has implemented temporary limited hours and services for the month of December. We are now open three days out of the week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 10:00 AM-3:00 PM. Please download our flyer if you would like more information. In addition, if you have any questions please contact BDIC during regular business hours.*
Reach Out
Peer-LED Living Assistance Support
Reach Out is a peer-led program that connects with people in mental health facilities, board and care homes, and other wellness Facilities. We provide support, offer wellness activities, and assist people in their transition to independent living, through site visits, access to resources, and assistance in connecting with other programs in Alameda County. These services are made possible by Reach Out staff and dedicated volunteers. If you’re interested in becoming a volunteer please click the link: Volunteer Here
All Reach Out volunteers and staff have lived experience with mental health hospitalization and/or living in adult care facilities. Through sharing personal lived experiences and utilizing peer support, the Reach Out Team models recovery and provides support for the transition to independent living. Reach Out’s mission is to improve the quality of life of mental health patients within Alameda County by promoting freedom of choice, empowerment, and independent living in the community
Peer Empowerment Publication
Beginning in March 2021 Reach Out launched the Peer Empowerment Publication (PEP). This publication is created monthly by Reach Out team members who are all mental health peers. The publication contains wellness tools, affirmations, community news/highlights, self-care tips. a wellness cartoon, quote of the month, a team member’s personal story, and consumer creative expression (when available). The goal of PEP is to inspire hope through sharing our lived experience and providing information, wellness tools, and resources to assist consumers in living successfully in the community.
If you are interested in receiving our PEP monthly please call Reach Out’s Office at (510) 654-7813, and leave your name, address including city, state, and zip code, in addition to your phone number. We will add you to our mailing list and make sure that you receive our next issue. You may also contact Reach Out at if you have any additional questions.
Reach Out Digital Brochure
Tenant Support Program (TSP)
Community Housing Services
The Tenant Support Program provides supportive services to people who identify with mental health and have present or past experiences with homelessness. The Tenant Support Program (TSP) also holds weekly support groups, including Issues That Matter and WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan).
TSP Digital Flyer
Reaching Across
Peer-Run Wellness Groups
This is a grass-roots, peer-run wellness community anchored in a culture of respect, empathy, and belonging. Our committed staff and culture of peer-to-peer support can provide participants with an environment shaped by the ideals of equity, self-determination, creativity, and recovery. Our focus on both collaboration and individual development offers meaningful and diverse ways to promote health in all dimensions of wellness. At Reaching Across, we strive to foster mental health and holistic wellness with an eye toward promoting a greater sense of self-empowerment and personal growth.
*Please note that for the month of November we will have in-person meetings at the Reaching Across Office on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm. There will be no meetings online or in person on Thursdays or Fridays.*
*In addition, three of our in-person groups, Nutrition, Tai Chi and Love of Music will also simultaneously be online in a hybrid format.*
If you would like to download our calendar of Reaching Across events, please click the image below. You can also visit our Events page.
Zoom Links for Reaching Across Groups for September 2024
Date Time | Group Subject Ctrl+Click on Blue Hyper-Link | Facilitator | Host | Zoom Meeting ID Phone: 669 900 9128 | Passcode |
September 3 11:00 – 12:00 | Inside Nature | Natalie | Natalie | 865 5406 8076 | 701892 |
September 3 12:00 – 12:30 | Meditation | Gary | Gary | 856 9130 0405 | 374172 |
September 3 1:00 – 2:00 | Let’s Talk About Voices | Barbara | Barbara | 821 2234 8836 | 826480
September 4 11:00 – 12:00 | Anger Management | Natalie | Markeet’a | 862 0640 6605 | 701696 |
September 4 12:00 – 12:30 | Meditation | Gary | Gary | 856 9130 0405 | 374172 |
September 4 1:00 – 2:00 | Nutrition | Barbara | Barbara | 820 4354 7048 | 617047 |
September 10 11:00-12:00 | Inside Nature | Natalie | Natalie | 865 5406 8076 | 701892 |
September 10 12:00 – 12:30 | Meditation | Gary | Gary | 856 9130 0405 | 374172 |
September 10 1:00 – 2:00 | T’ai Chi Chih | Gary | Gary | 851 2584 6312 | 696050 |
September 11 11:00 – 12:00 | Anger Management | Natalie | Markeet’a | 862 0640 6605 | 701696 |
September 11 12:00 – 12:30 | Meditation | Gary | Gary | 856 9130 0405 | 374172 |
September 11 1:00 – 2:00 | The Love of Music | Gary | Gary | 834 7613 4858 | 686689 |
September 16 11:00 – 12:00 | The Love of Music | Barbara | Gary | 834 7613 4858 | 686689 |
September 16 12:00 – 12:30 | Meditation | Gary | Gary | 856 9130 0405 | 374172 |
September 17 11:00-12:00 | Inside Nature | Natalie | Natalie | 865 5406 8076 | 701892 |
Date Time | Group Subject Ctrl+Click on Blue Hyper-Link | Facilitator | Host | Zoom Meeting ID Phone: 669 900 9128 | Passcode |
September 17 12:00 – 12:30 | Meditation | Gary | Gary | 856 9130 0405 | 374172 |
September 17 1:00 – 2:00 | Let’s Talk About Voices | Barbara | Barbara | 821 2234 8836 | 826480
September 18 11:00 – 12:00 | Anger Management | Natalie | Markeet’a | 862 0640 6605 | 701696 |
September 18 12:00 – 12:30 | Meditation | Gary | Gary | 856 9130 0405 | 374172 |
September 18 1:00 – 2:00 | Nutrition | Barbara | Barbara | 820 4354 7048 | 617047 |
September 23 11:00 – 12:00 | The Love of Music | Barbara | Gary | 834 7613 4858 | 686689 |
September 23 12:00 – 12:30 | Meditation | Gary | Gary | 856 9130 0405 | 374172 |
September 24 11:00-12:00 | Inside Nature | Natalie | Natalie | 865 5406 8076 | 701892 |
September 24 12:00 – 12:30 | Meditation | Gary | Gary | 856 9130 0405 | 374172 |
September 24 1:00 – 2:00 | T’ai Chi Chih | Gary | Gary | 851 2584 6312 | 696050 |
September 25 11:00 – 12:00 | Anger Management | Natalie | Markeet’a | 862 0640 6605 | 701696 |
September 25 12:00 – 12:30 | Meditation | Gary | Gary | 856 9130 0405 | 374172 |
September 28 1:00 – 2:00 | The Love of Music | Barbara | Gary | 834 7613 4858 | 686689 |
September 30 11:00 – 12:00 | T’ai Chi Chih | Gary | Gary | 851 2584 6312 | 696050 |
September 30 12:00 – 12:30 | Meditation | Gary | Gary | 856 9130 0405 | 374172 |
Get Assistance
Monday – Thursday, 10am – 2:30pm
3833 Peralta Blvd #C
Freemont, CA 94536